HERE from Wish You Were Here / Wish Here Was Better, 2022 for Blackwood Gallery
(untitled), made for a wold in pandemics. 2020
WHERE IS STARTS, a series of posters for Counterpublics in St. Louis, organized by The Luminary, 2019. (Press: ArtPapers, NPR)
WHERE IS STARTS, a series of posters for Counterpublics in St. Louis, organized by The Luminary, 2019. (Press: ArtPapers, NPR)
AIDS 1969, sticker, 2015
Let David Speak, collage, 2012
From BLUE, 2021
(horror troupes), inspired by "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water . . . " by Daniel Selden, and Vladimir Čajkovac
Arne and Bente, 2016
BLOOM, JUST FOR YOU, what is the environment? postcard series (2018-ongoing)
RIP Burt, meme, 2019
WE FELL IN LOVE IN A HOPELESS PLACE (Zach), postcard series 2010-ongoing
LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG, postcard series (2010-ongoing)
WE FELL IN LOVE IN A HOPELESS PLACE (Tommaso),postcard series 2010 - ongoing
BEFORE YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE I MISSED YOU SO BAD, postcard series 2010 - ongoing
ALONG THE WAY...(unprinted), postcard series 2010-ongoing
DON'T BE SCARED, postcard series, (2010-ongoing)
BETWEEN A ROCK (unprinted), postcard series (2010 - ongoing)
Monuments, 2018
LANA DEL AIDS, postcard series (2010 - ongoing)
#noangels (charlie), sticker, 2016
#noangels (nadja), sticker, 2016
CAUSE I'M HERE, postcard series (2010-ongoing)
thinking about queerness (remix), poster, 2013
#feelings, meme, 2014
Insecure, meme, 2016
Rihanna Goldman, meme, 2016
CRJ v. MSCL, meme, 2016
On History, 2015
For Ken, digital image, 2016
Sisters in the wilderness: sounds of protest, 2016, YouTube
WISDOM IN BEING UNITED IN ANGER (ortez), memes for a film, 2012
YOUTH, 2010
collage, 2011
First World Epiphany, made up word, 2011
"privilege shock", made up work, 2011
collage, 2011
Ben, 2010
Jay, 2008 From a series of a polaroids I did of queer men in Edmonton in their underwear in my apartment.
Bellamy Hill, a once popular Edmonton cruising spot, 2008
Edmonton Collage, 2008
Edmonton, 2007
As I Lay Dying, 2007
In 2007 I got a grant from the City of Edmonton to work as an artist with non-profit orgs. I worked with a friend from HIV Edmonton. I tagged along with her on a regular day and took photos.
Wish You Were Here, from the series Rayford Home 1987, lenticular print in collaboration with Jun Bae, 2016
DePaul Art Museum permanent collection
Ferguson is Everywhere, from the series Rayford Home 1987, lenticular print in collaboration with Shawn Torres, 2016
DePaul Art Museum permanent collection
Inflamed, a film by Chaplain Christopher Jones, Ted Kerr, Niknaz and LJ Roberts, production still by Jan Wandrag
My loneliness is killing me, postcard project in collaboration with Nic Holas, 2016
DO YOU BELIEVE (with Nic), postcard series (2010-Ongoing)
MY LONELINESS (with Nic), postcard series (2010-ongoing)
Litany for Burning Condoms, 2013, with ChaplainChristopher Jones for PosterVIRUS
HE FUCKS HOW HE DANCES, part of a postcard series I did for HIV Edmonton as the artist in residence.
ONE DAY THIS KID WILL GET LARGER, 2016, curated by Danny Orendorff at the DePaul Art Museum. A group exhibition of emerging contemporary artists who address the ongoing HIV/AIDS pandemic in North America through the lens of childhood, education, popular culture and race, this exhibition is guest-curated by Danny Orendorff and is presented concurrently with the touring exhibition ArtAIDSAmerica, presented by the Alphawood Foundation in Chicago.Artists featured in One day this kid will get larger include Jun Bae, Samantha Box, Vincent Chevalier, Demian DinéYazhi’, Angela Davis Fegan, Jacquelyn Carmen Guerrero, Katja Heinemann, Chaplain Christopher Jones, Lenn Keller, Shan Kelley, Theodore Kerr, Nancer LeMoins, Tiona McClodden,Ivan Monforte, My Barbarian, Rashaad Newsome, Niknaz, Aay Preston-Myint, L.j. Roberts, Oli Rodriguez, Shawn Torres, Chris Vargas, David Wojnarowicz, and Matt Wolf. MORE INFO.
NOT OVER: 25 Years of Visual AIDS, 2013, curated by Sur Rodney (Sur) and Kris Nuzzi for Visual AIDS. The exhibition looked back at the history of Visual AIDS and contemporary AIDS politics to create a glimpse into a quarter century of AIDS, art and activism, linking artists of a generation born after 1970 to an earlier generation of artists that were active in the 1980s.By creating these layered connections and presenting artwork by both historical and contemporary artists, the exhibition aimed to add to the ongoing dialogue and position the work within a layered timeline of AIDS, art and culture, using art as a means to educate, encourage discussion and inform that AIDS IS NOT OVER.Artists include: Albert J. Winn, Aldrin Valdez, Andreas Senser (1942-1989), Arch Connelly (1950-1993), Barton Lidice Benes (1942-2012), Bern Boyle (1951-1992), Bizzy and Devon Gallegos, Brian Weil (1951-1999), Camilo Godoy, Carlo Quispe, Charlie Ahearn, Chloe Dzubilo (1960-2011), Charles Ryan, Copy Berg (1951-1999), Daniel McKernan, Edith Alverez, Eric Rhein, Ethan Shoshan, Frank Moore (1953-2002), Harvey Weiss and Marc Happel, Derek Jackson and Hi Tiger, Hugh Steers (1963-1995), Hunter Reynolds, Hayat Hyatt, J. Morrison, Jack Waters and Peter Cramer, John Sex (1956-1990), Karen Finley, Kate Huh, L.J. Roberts, Martin Wong (1946-1999), Michael Slocum (1956-1995), Nancer LeMoins, Nicholas Moufarrege (1948-1985), Pato Hebert, Rafael Sánchez, Rebekah Dewald and Demetrea Dewald, Ryan Conrad, Ted Kerr, Tim Greathouse (1950-1998) and Vincent Chevalier MEDIA.
NO NARRATIVE PRECEDED US, 2014, Hessel Museum, a collaboration between Malene Dam and myself. Exhibited as part of Deviance Credits at Bard. LEARN MORE.
WITHIN/WITHOUT, 2013, Online exhibition curated by Beth Frey and Travis McEwen. SEE IT HERE
DON'T WORRY WHAT HAPPENS HAPPENS MOSTLY WITHOUT YOU, 2012, Radiator Gallery, curated by Kris Nuzzi, an exhibition that explores the personal identities of artists Jeanie Choi, Camilo Godoy, Ted Kerr, James Richards, Aldrin Valdez and Sam Vernon, as they navigate through a world shaped by experiences of marginalization, silencing and difference. Whether speaking from their own life, recreating a historical memory or representing an underrepresented community, their work explores poetic and subtle ways to communicate issues of immigration, race, queerness and desire. Together they reveal the connections and differences between these loaded social issues and invite the viewer to share in their intimate experiences. INFO
AT THE SAME TIME, 2011, Edmonton, Toronto, Manchester: Drawing and expanding on a variety of photographic traditions, At the Same Time features the work of six artists: Steven Beckly and Dylan MacNeil (Toronto, ON), Ted Kerr and Zachary Ayotte (Edmonton, AB / Brooklyn, NY), and Colin Quinn and Oisín Share(Manchester, UK), who simultaneously explored the nature and development of their romantic relationships from three different parts of the world. Private exchanges emerging from domestic, romantic, and sexual dimensions of their relationships are openly explored, uncovering a collection of personal narratives and intimate realities. A self published book was also created with essays from AA Bronson, Paul Mgapi Sepuya, and Sholem Krishtalka. MEDIA, MEDIA
Crying, 2010, Elm Cafe, A photo series about a then recently demolished building by where I lived.
WHERE ARE WE FROM? , 2009, Curated by Gabe Wong at The Artery. My contribution was this poster, which included the quote: “The twentieth century will be remembered chiefly, not as an age of political conflicts and technical inventions, but as an age in which human society dared to think of the health of the whole human race as a practical objective.”―Arnold Toynbee
This is How we Made Love, 2009, CONTACT Photography Festival, ACT (AIDS Committee of Toronto): an exhibition about two men growing apart before they grow together. The collection of Polaroids, camera-phone images, digital and film photographs reflected a summer of shared yet separate explorations into personal progress and social change. The photographs revealed two people maintaining intimacy without discarding their individuality. The exhibit was made possible in part by HIV Edmonton and the AIDS Committee of Toronto. A self published book was made at the same time.
EDMONTON: EXPLORED, 2008, Curated by Amy Fung for the Art Gallery of Alberta. In the exhibition that looked at life in Edmonton I had a work called, "Towards Seeing Everything." The work came from a grant I got from the City of Edmonton for a project in which I worked with an organization called CHANGING TOGETHER and my friend Kathy Ochoa. We took polaroids of women in Edmonton asking them about the roles they play in the city. MORE INFO
The Magic Hole, a play by Katie Liederman. Starring Theda Hammel, Allie Klein, Chloe Liederman, Johnny Drago, Sara Clemens, Theodore Kerr, Lauren Wells, and Megan Auster-Rosen at Under St. Mark’s Theater, March 2019.
WITH: t'ai freedom ford, Keelay Gipson, & Theodore Kerr and Jamara Wakefield at BAM: Chapbook launch and performance, presented by Belldonna and Lambda Literary, curated by Diana Cage, Saretta Morgan, and William Johnson. Jamara and I performed my chapbook! PURCHASE MY CHAPBOOK: JAGGED LITTLE VIRUS: WHEN HIV IS FREE FROM SUFFERING
TOGETHER MEN MAKE PARADIGMS, a play by Maxe Crandell, Dixon Place, June 2014; CAST: Mya Byrne, Stephen Boyer, Diana Cage, Red Durkin, Sam Feder, Brenda Iijima, William Johnson, Theodore Kerr, Elizabeth Koke, Rachel Levitsky, Trisha Low, Buzz Slutzky, Aldrin Valdez, Adrien A. Weibgen, Lara Weibgen; Directed by Maxe Crandall & Stephen Boyer; Video Art by Ethan Weinstock; Visual Art by Buzz Slutzky; Couturier Vito Trevino; Sound by Eh-den Perlove; Cover image & art by Emmett Ramstad; Design by Tishon Woolcock
UNDERWATER WEDDING, a play by Maxe Crandell Dixon Place, July 2016, CAST: Diana Cage, Stephen Ira, Lonely Christopher, Theodore (Ted) Kerr, Elizabeth Koke, Aldrin Valdez ; Video Art by Ethan Weinstock; Sound Design by Rob Rusli